Art Blog

  • Blend Modes in Procreate: An Introductory Guide for Beginners

    When it comes to digital art, blending modes can elevate your artwork by adding depth, texture, and nuance to your layers. Procreate, the popular iPad app for artists, offers a variety of blend modes that allow you to mix and match layers in creative ways.
  • How to Create a Custom Brush in Procreate

    Creating custom brushes in Procreate can be a rewarding and personalized experience. Here's an insightful guide to help you get started:1. Understa...
  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing a Side Profile

    Learn my step-by-step process for drawing a face from the side. This tutorial is short, easy to follow, and ideal for beginners.
  • How To Find An Art Style : A step by step guide to finding your Art Style in a Week

    Are you an artist who doesn’t have a specific art style and desperately wants to find one but can’t seem to get any closer, even though you’ve been...
  • Why and How to use Muzenik Procreate Painting Brushes : A Guide for Beginners

    Today I’m going to share why I think you will love my Custom Procreate Painting Brushes  and how exactly to use each one of them for the best poss...
  • How to Draw a Face from Front View - A step by step tutorial

    Step 1: Draw an oval as shown in the picture below (sketch 1). If you want to make  the character’s eyes big then make it a circle instead of an ov...
  • 5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Followings as an Artist

    If you search for ways to get Instagram followers on the internet I’m sure you will find so many different ways but, the problem is most of them do...
  • How to Blend Colors in Procreate: A step by step tutorial for Beginners

    This is probably the one question I get asked pretty much everyday on Instagram. Though I have 2 classes on Blending in Procreate  on Etsy, I have...
  • 7 Ways to Improve Your Art Fast

    There was a time when I used to think that I would never be able to draw a face that actually looks like a face without using a reference, but for...
  • How to make it GLOW

    Today I’m going to show you one of my ways to make things GLOW. It’s easy to follow and you can create beautiful glow effect just in 5-10 minutes. I used Procreate but, you can try this tutorial  in any digital art app or software. 
  • Is Art the Right Career for You?

    You love to create art! You certainly love the idea of being able to make a full-time income with your art, but, when you actually think about al...