Blend Modes in Procreate: An Introductory Guide for Beginners

When it comes to digital art, blending modes can elevate your artwork by adding depth, texture, and nuance to your layers. Procreate, the popular iPad app for artists, offers a variety of blend modes that allow you to mix and match layers in creative ways. In this blog post, we'll explore the different blend modes in Procreate and explain how they work.

If you want a detailed understanding of blend modes and blending in Procreate, complete with examples, and learn how I use them to create various effects, particularly lighting, consider taking this class. How to Blend Colors in Procreate Part 1 & Part 2 

What Are Blend Modes?

Blend modes are a set of options that dictate how two layers interact with each other. They determine how the colors and textures of the layers mix, creating various effects. Procreate has 26 blend modes, each with a unique way of combining layers.

The Categories of Blend Modes

Blend modes in Procraete can be organized into several categories based on their effects:

  1. Normal
  2. Darken
  3. Lighten
  4. Contrast
  5. Difference
  6. Color

Normal Blend Mode

Normal is the default blend mode where the top layer simply covers the layer beneath it. There is no interaction between the colors of the two layers.

Blend mode in procreate

Darken Modes

These modes make the image darker by combining the layers in different ways:

  • Darken: Keeps the darkest colors between the layers.
  • Multiply: Multiplies the base color by the blend color, resulting in a darker image.
  • Color Burn: Increases the contrast between the base and blend colors, making the blend color darker.
  • Linear Burn: Decreases the brightness to darken the base color.
  • Darker Color: Functions similarly to Darken, but instead of evaluating each RGB channel individually, Darker Color considers a composite of all the RGB channels.

Here is a representation of how Darken blend modes/layer modes work in Procreate:

Blend modes in Procraete


Lighten Modes

These modes lighten the image by combining layers:

  • Lighten: Keeps the lightest colors between the layers.
  • Screen: Multiplies the inverse of the blend and base colors, resulting in a lighter color.
  • Color Dodge: Brightens the base color to reflect the blend color.
  • Add: Adds the blend color to the base color, making it lighter.
  • Lighter Color: Lighter Color works similarly to Lighten. Instead of evaluating each RGB channel separately, it considers a composite of all the RGB channels.

Here is a representation of how Lighten blend modes/layer modes work in Procreate:

Lighten Blend modes in Procreate


Contrast Modes

These modes create a mix of dark and light effects, increasing contrast:

  • Overlay: Combines Multiply and Screen modes, darkening dark areas and lightening light areas.
  • Soft Light: Subtly lightens or darkens the colors, depending on the blend color.
  • Hard Light: Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend color.
  • Vivid Light: Increases or decreases brightness and contrast.
  • Linear Light: Adjusts brightness by decreasing or increasing depending on the blend color.
  • Pin Light: Replaces colors, depending on the blend color's lightness.
  • Hard Mix: Hard Mix is a dramatic Blend Mode that reduces detail and creates a flat, super-saturated effect using only white, black, and the six primary colors: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow. Adjusting the opacity can soften the result.

Here is a representation of how Contrast blend modes/layer modes work in Procreate:

Illustration demonstrating contrast blend modes in Procreate, showing how different layers interact to enhance or adjust the overall image contrast.

Difference Modes

These modes emphasize differences between the layers:

  • Difference: Subtracts the blend color from the base color or vice versa, depending on which is brighter.
  • Exclusion: Similar to Difference but with lower contrast.
  • Subtract: Subtracts the blend color from the base color.
  • Divide: Divides the base color by the blend color.

Here is a representation of how Difference blend modes/layer modes work in Procreate:

Difference blend mode in Procreate

Color Modes

These modes change the color properties:

  • Hue: Uses the hue of the blend color with the base color’s saturation and luminosity.
  • Saturation: Uses the saturation of the blend color with the hue and luminosity of the base color.
  • Color: Uses the hue and saturation of the blend color with the luminosity of the base color.
  • Luminosity: Uses the luminosity of the blend color with the hue and saturation of the base color.

Here is a representation of how Color blend modes/layer modes work in Procreate:

Blend modes in Procreate

Tips for Using Blend Modes in Procreate

  1. Experiment: Dive in and try different blend modes to see their effects on your artwork. Sometimes unexpected combinations can lead to stunning results.
  2. Layer Opacity: Adjust the opacity of layers to fine-tune the blend mode effect. It’s like adding just the right amount of seasoning to your favorite dish.
  3. Layer Order: The order of layers affects how blend modes interact. Reorder layers to achieve different effects. Think of it as arranging pieces of a puzzle for the perfect fit.
  4. Use Masks: Combine blend modes with layer masks for more control over which parts of the layer are affected. This gives you precision and freedom in your artwork.
  5. Reference Images: Study how professional artists use blend modes in their work to learn new techniques. Inspiration is everywhere!


Blend modes in Procreate are powerful tools that can transform your digital art. By understanding and experimenting with these modes, you can add depth, texture, and unique effects to your creations. Don't be afraid to explore and combine different modes to see what works best for your style. Dive in, have fun, and let your creativity soar. Happy blending! 


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