Painting A Face: A Step by Step Guide for Beginner

Step 1: Start with your sketch and after cleaning it up change blend mode to Multiply

Step 2: Add the base color by filling in the areas under the sketch layer.
*For layer arrangement & colour palette you can get access to the Source File on Patreon ; also included in Muzenik Procreate Collection: All Inclusive with Free Lifetime Updates

Use separate layers for the base colors of different areas like skin, hair, and eyes, so you can easily adjust the colors later if needed.

Step 3: Start by creating a new layer above the base skin color layer and change its blend mode to "Multiply" to add blush and do the shading. Then, set it to clipping mask so the shadows remain within the boundaries of the base color. Then use a darker shade of the same color as the base and, paint the shadows and blush like shown in the first picture and blend it gently like the second image

Step 4: Next, on a new layer we'll add shading to the hair and eyes. For the hair, you can add more detail if you like, but I prefer to keep it minimal
Lip Colour: To change the lip colour I created a new layer and changed blend mode to multiply, then painted over with a darker tone of the base skin, feel free to use the colour of your choice and you don’t necessarily have to change blend mode to multiply either.

Step 5: Next, it's time to add some highlights. Create a new layer above the shading and use a brighter shade of the base skin color to add highlights to the eyelids and nose, as shown in the reference. You can also choose a lighter shade of the base color for the highlights, but I prefer using a brighter tone because it stands out more with minimal effort.

For more instructions on painting hair you can check my tutorial on Painting hair
If you're not satisfied with something, you can easily make changes. Save your painting and import it as a new layer to edit without switching between layers. You can also merge the layers, but remember that this will make adjustments more difficult later on. If you're certain you won't need to make any changes, feel free to merge them. Otherwise, it's safer to save the drawing and import it as a separate layer.
Hope you guys found this helpful, feel free to ask if have any questions. I used the "Charcoal" brush from my Procreate Sketch/Pencil Brushes for the sketch: for coloring "Details" brush and, for blending "Soft Blending" brush from my Procreate Painting Brushes
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