Stacks in Procreate: A Guide for Beginners

Procreate is an incredibly powerful digital art tool that offers a plethora of features for artists of all levels. One of its most useful organizational tools is the Stack feature. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of creating and managing stacks in Procreate to keep your artwork organized. You can watch these tutorial on Procreate Stacks later or along with this guide to understand better Tutorial 1 and Tutorial 2
What is a Stack in Procreate?
A Stack in Procreate is essentially a folder that allows you to group multiple canvases together. This is particularly useful for managing large projects or categorizing your artwork based on themes, styles, or stages of completion.
Creating a Stack
1. Open Procreate Gallery: Start by opening the Procreate app and navigating to the Gallery view where all your canvases are displayed.
2. Select Canvases: Tap on the 'Select' button in the upper right corner of the screen. Now, tap on the canvases you want to group into a stack. Selected canvases will be highlighted.
3. Group into a Stack: Once you have selected the canvases, tap on the 'Stack' button at the top of the screen. This will instantly create a new stack containing the selected canvases.
4. Naming Your Stack: To name your stack, tap on the stack to open it. Then, tap on the title area where it says 'Stack' to bring up the keyboard and type in your desired name.
Managing Stacks
1. Adding Canvases to an Existing Stack: Drag a canvas from the gallery and drop it into the stack you want to add it to. This can be done by tapping, holding, and dragging the canvas.
2. Removing Canvases from a Stack: Open the stack, tap on 'Select', choose the canvases you want to remove, and drag them back to the main gallery area.
3. Rearranging Canvases within a Stack: Open the stack, tap and hold a canvas, and then drag it to your desired position within the stack.
Tips for Using Stacks Efficiently
- Project Organization: Use stacks to keep all related project files together. This makes it easier to find and manage your work.
- Style Categorization: If you work in multiple styles, use stacks to separate your different styles for quick access.
- Progress Tracking: Create stacks for different stages of your workflow, such as sketches, line art, and finished pieces.
By effectively using stacks, you can keep your Procreate gallery organized and streamline your workflow. Happy creating!